Fund raising: a 360-degree activity. The experience of two libraries at Bologna University

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Alessandra Citti
Marina Zuccoli


This paper arose from the fund raising experiences carried out during the last five years by two Bologna University libraries: the Central Library of Rimini and the Library of Agricultural Sciences. Despite they both belong to the University of Bologna and share the same mission,the context is quite different: Bologna’s economy is strongly influenced by the presence of the University, while Rimini is chiefly a tourist center. Still, in both areas there are small and medium businesses and agricultural firms.
The carrying out of every project was always preceded by a series of preliminary steps, such as assembling a bibliography on the subject, planning, and making the necessary choices. The authors believe that, as for the method, their experience can be an effective model for other librarians.
The first step to be taken in when starting a fund raising experience is to find out the most relevant elements in the library profile in order to attract supporters, and to analyze the needs of the library in order to keep a satisfactory standard of services. There are various manners to do fund raising: direct ways as donations, sponsorships, exchanges and gifts, and indirect ways such as discounts and intellectual contributions; the authors analyze all of them, along with their regulatory background. The paper also underlines the role of organizational communication (external and internal) as a tool for creating the indispensable network which is essential to every activity of fund raising.
Finally, it shows some actual examples of fund raising: how to find the appropriate contact person, the techniques adopted, the problems encountered from time to time etc.

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