IFLA 1929-2009: Libraries between crisis and opportunity

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Tommaso Giordano


IFLA Milan 2009 fell on the 80th anniversary of the First World Congress of Libraries and Bibliography held in Italy in 1929. This is rightly considered the first IFLA General Conference. By a strange twist of fate, both events coincided with two of the biggest economic crises in human history. As attested by recent research, during the Great Depression US libraries played an important social and cultural role; and the professional dedication and solidarity of librarians in these circumstances were widely appreciated. This article highlights the difficult situation of Italian cultural institutions (including education and research), due to widespread political insensitivity in ruling elites and drastic budgets cuts adopted by the current Government. Nevertheless history shows that even the most difficult moments can trigger virtuous mechanisms to foster positive consequences. IFLA Milan 2009 is an opportunity for an open discussion of the new role of libraries, in a more advanced prospective based on common values of peace and progress.

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