University libraries between the past and the future: experiences and prospects of university library systems in a qualitative analysis

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Ilaria Moroni
Monica Vezzosi


The article presents the results of the first qualitative investigation promoted by the Interuniversity Group for monitoring university library systems (GIM) that was carried out in June 2009. Its aim was to stimulate a reflection on the past and current situation and on future prospects of university libraries.
The investigation intended collecting experiences and considerations of those in charge of the SBA and the librarian delegates of the CRUI with regard to information gathered at national level and reported in the last survey of the GIM. The survey tool used was a questionnaire with open and closed questions, which allowed individual opinions and motivations to be expressed and, at the same time, the comparison and measurement of some transversal aspects, on a sample of 40 persons replying. During the analysis of the information gathered and the drafting of the research report an approach typical of qualitative methods was preferred, developing the subjective contributions and highlighting conceptual categories constructed afterwards on the basis of the material collected.
In the Italian library world qualitative methods of social sciences are still little known and practiced and it is hoped that this contribution will be an incentive in this direction, presenting an experience and providing a reference theoretic framework.

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