Reading in order to read reality

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Giovanni Solimine


Even if reading in itself isn't necessarily a better practice than other “minor” cultural activities (as watching a movie, listening to music etc.), it is common knowledge that the habit of reading helps us to better understand the world that surrounds us. That's why the low Italian reading rates must be considered a critical factor. The Associazione Forum made an ambitious and challenging proposal inviting all the parties somehow interested in the promotion of reading – publishers' and libraries' associations, local government representatives, school operators etc. – to work together in order to discuss a new law, proposed by popular initiative, on the promotion of books and reading. For this purpose an open telematic platform was created – the <> wiki – where all the stakeholders are working out the law proposal. The first goal achieved by this initiative was the VIII Book Forum “Passaparola” that was held last October in Basilicata: discussing about the future of reading in the region placed last in all the Italian statistics about reading, seemed to be a good way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of national history.

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