Focus and Scope

"Bollettino AIB" is a library science journal that deals with the research and analysis of facts and is aimed at developing professional practice, methodological experimentation and theoretical reflection within the sphere of library, documentation and information services.

With a quarterly distribution (March, June, September and December), "Bollettino AIB" is the most popular Italian journal on library science, reaching the most important general and specialized libraries of the world. It contains original articles, reports, short notes, relevant documents, reviews and recommendations, as well as a current bibliography of the Italian professional literature.

The journal is addressed to librarians of public, university, state, school and special libraries, to documentalists, university teachers, managers and directors of state, regional and local administrations and commercial operators of the sector (bookshops, publishers, software houses, consultancy and training companies and other services, etc.). "Bollettino AIB" is received by all members of the Italian Association and its subscribers in Italy and abroad. Bollettino AIB" may be found in the most important international bibliographies and specialized databases: LISA (Library and information science abstracts), Library literature, that of the VINITI of Moscow (formerly Informatics abstracts), Dokumentationsdienst Bibliothekswesen (DOBI) of the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, the Bibliographic index.

Contributions to "Bollettino AIB" are free and open.

The opinions expressed by the authors are independent from those of the Italian Library Association.

Peer Review Process

Papers are peer-reviewed.

Open Access Policy

AIB supports the Open Access principle, the free availability of scientific literature on the public internet, and shares the statement "Our mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if the information is not made widely and readily available to society". To do so, the articles published on this journal are freely available.

Journal History

The journal was founded in 1955 as "Notizie AIB. Bollettino dell'Associazione italiana biblioteche"; in 1961 it became "Bollettino d'informazioni. Associazione italiana biblioteche", which was maintained until 1991.

From 1992 to 2011 a new series has been named "Bollettino AIB. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione" and has been supplied with an electronic version. The journal has been edited by the following editors-in-chief: Alberto Petrucciani (1992-2000), Giovanni Solimine (2001-2010), Giovanni Di Domenico (2011).

From 2012 the journal's title has been changed to "AIB Studi. Rivista di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione", which is an e-journal.