Una ricerca online sulla soddisfazione degli utenti di AIB-WEB: metodologia e risultati
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AIB-WEB, http://www.aib.it, the website of the Italian Library Association, is managed internally with the contribution of regional sections, committees, working groups, and the national secretariat. AIB-WEB disseminates social activities and offers services and professional contents to librarians and other users.
Recently the Association management decided to carry on the restyling and restructuring of the institutional website, passing from a static model to a Content Management System (CMS). It was the right occasion to run a survey on AIB-WEB users' satisfaction, whose analysis would have provided suggestions about the improvement of the website under restyling.
It was decided to use the most diffused and less expensive methodology, the standardised interview, submitted through an online survey.
Recently the Association management decided to carry on the restyling and restructuring of the institutional website, passing from a static model to a Content Management System (CMS). It was the right occasion to run a survey on AIB-WEB users' satisfaction, whose analysis would have provided suggestions about the improvement of the website under restyling.
It was decided to use the most diffused and less expensive methodology, the standardised interview, submitted through an online survey.
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